Life insurance agency

Protect the people you care for most

The decision to get the best life insurance in Canada might be a daunting one. When it comes to family insurance protection, many people feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do first. But have no fear; Lions Peak is here to help guide you and your family to a safe and secure future.

We Help You Live Your Life & Leave Your Legacy

Learn the Ins & Outs of The Best Life Insurance Canada Plans

Are you clueless about life insurance? Don't worry, you're not alone! Most people have no idea where to start when it comes to protecting their loved ones. Have no fear, you've come to the right place! Our team of Lions Peak insurance experts is here to guide you through the labyrinth of insurance options so you’ll be well-equipped to know what’s best for your family.

Companies we work with
sun life logomanulife logocanada life logorbc logoBMO logoequitable life of canada logocanada pension plan logodesjardins logoindustrial alliance logoassumption life logohumania logo
Explore Our Family Insurance Options

We can help you protect your family now and create a lasting legacy

You want to leave a legacy, and we get it. Who doesn't want to be remembered as the family hero who took care of everything?

With our expertise, you can rest assured that your family will be taken care of and your legacy will live on.

term-life insurance

Term Life is perfect for those who love the value and good bang for their buck. Term Life is reliable, affordable and perfect for those who want the right balance between affordability and short - mid-term length of coverage. Choose Term Life now with the option to convert to Permanent Life anytime, automatically.

a couple listening to an advisor

permanent life insurance

This policy offers lifelong coverage & Cash Value Equity, so you don't have to worry about outliving your policy. Permanent life insurance is like the Bentley of policies - luxurious, long-lasting, and perfect for those who want to leave a legacy.

Looking for a policy that will make a lasting impact and builds wealth? Then permanent life insurance is the one for you!

a man with a child in his lap while looking at documents

Disability & Critical Illness Insurance

Disability & Critical Illness insurance plans are Living Benefits that offer a financial helping hand if you are too sick or injured to do your job or run your business, or are diagnosed with a serious illness such as Cancer, Stroke or Heart Disease to name a few.  Living Benefits & Life Insurance Protection are complementary and go hand-in-hand.

an elderly couple smiling at each other

Health & Dental Benefits

We all love having a good Health & Dental Plan for the everyday medical and health needs of ourselves and our families. If you are not covered through a Group Benefits Plan at your job or business, we can help you find a plan that provides similar benefits for you & your family members.

a woman getting a check up at the dentist
a couple listening to an advisora man with a child in his lap while looking at documentsan elderly couple smiling at each othera woman getting a check up at the dentist
Life insurance made simple

get covered in 3 easy steps

Why take off the slippers? Keep watching your show and get family life insurance coverage right from home!

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Hear From Who We’ve Helped

High caliber service! Thanks to the staff at Lions Peak Financial Group for delivering a great customer service experience!

Shane R.

I had a wonderful experience with LPFG. They took a lot of time to explain various policies pros and cons, I was looking into and provided his personal opinion and professional advice, often going back and forth as I decided on the best policy for my needs.  I highly recommend Lion's Peak.

Shannon R.
the latest information

Learning Center

Whole Life Insurance, A Whole New Asset Class

The Importance of Critical Illness Insurance in Retirement Planning

Has Purchasing Life Insurance Changed Since 2020?

Get Family Life Insurance because the universe loves a good plot twist.